February 2003 Welcome to our website! As you can see, the Local 3614 website is currently in a developing phase. Building and maintaining the Local 3614 website presents many challenges in providing current and updated information, resources for our different constituencies, and exposure to the greater worldwide community. From the onset, the Local 3614 website has changed and developed to address the needs of members, stewards, officers, and perspective members, as well as the general Internet user. Information such as general information about Local 3614, its representatives and officers, News, calendars, telecommuting negotiations, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement can be found. Recently the first phase of a password protected "Member's Only" portion of our website was launched, which keeps our members connected with Local 3614 and with each other. This password protected feature of the Local 3614 website is now available to those members of the bargaining unit who pay union dues (Members). Members of Local 3614 can access this link, "Members Only", on the homepage of www.local3614afge.org, by first registering an username - your first initial and last name and password, when prompted. Information specially related and directed to the activities of Local 3614 will be posted in this section. Currently in this section you will find "What's Going On in Local 3614", such as current negotiations, arbitrations, settlements, and grievances in Local 3614. The next phase of this site will consist of posting Local 3614's Constitution and By-Laws, information from the President, and a "Letters to the Editor" page. Eventually census-data derived from "Hot-Issues" membership polls, and databases such as unfair labor practices (ULPs) and grievances will be posted. Information in this password-protected site will not available to the general public and can be accessed only with the username and password. In the "Useful Links" section, there are also many links for general interest and to you as a federal employee. The Local 3614 website is a wonderful source of information and a tool to find out what your union is doing to serve its membership, and I encourage you to visit and use it frequently. Now that you have logged on to these WebPages, save them as a bookmark or favorite on your computer for easy access. Lastly, if you are not already a member of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), I strongly urge you to join and be a part of the largest federal employees union in the United States. Joining is an absolute need for those who want to protect the public service from continued privatization, and pay erosion. If you have not yet joined Local 3614 AFGE, down-load the membership form (on homepage). Join before March 31, 2003 and recruit others to receive the rebates of this year's Bonus Bucks membership campaign - $20.00 rebate from AFGE, plus a $30.00 rebate from AFGE's Fourth District. In Solidarity, Regina M. Andrew President, Local 3614 regina.andrew@local3614afge.org June 2003 Update June 8 - June 13, 2003, I completed AFGE National Training for Local Presidents-Level II, Mobilization, "Increasing Membership Involvement" Click here to see picture |